Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting


This week’s photo challenge is about capturing a fleeting moment.  I had the perfect photo in mind.

I took this photo on a walk with a friend recently just as a group of dense, rain-filled clouds was quickly rolling in and seemed to almost circle our spot in the path and the pond before us. As if nature had been painting a picture for us and waiting for us to get there to see it.

If I hadn’t stopped right at that very second to capture this fleeting moment as these full and heavy clouds were preparing to open for us and as the simply awesome smell of the coming rain was saturating the air …  the moment would have been gone.

The photo challenge prompt mentioned an article, Photography 101: Introduction & Philosophy which kicks off a blogging photography series and interviews Danielle Hark who founded a collaborative photography site called the Broken Light Collective.  She talks about how photography helps her stay in the present and is her own form of meditation.

This spoke to me, since photography is one of the best ways to make myself slow down enough to be present in the moment. And most likely the closest I get to meditating as well.

Does photography help you stay in the moment?  What visual comes to mind when you think of the word Fleeting?  Such a simple word that floods my mind with so many visuals.  This was just one.

14 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Fleeting

  1. A beautiful shot. Life is full of fleeting moments, and the great outdoors particularly full of them. I’m glad you captured this one and shared it with us.

  2. photos tell a great story…. I remember my first real camera, still have it… it uses film and I would have to wait a week before I saw what I had shot. Today, i can see it right away. I have become a better photographer, I can shoot so much more and not have to worry about what it costs and delete the bad photos…

  3. One nice thing about digital photography is that you can make sure all your bad shots are fleeting. 🙂 I use photography to keep me in the moment because I’m always seeing things right now that need to be photographed, so it keeps me looking around all the time and noticing things.


  4. When I think of the word ‘fleeting’ in relation to the many crummy images I’ve shot for my blog over the years — a ridiculous number over 14,000 (and only a fraction of those have been posted on my site), I think about all the shots I’ve missed due to slow shutter speed. I have this uncanny ability to capture the moment the split second before or the split second after. You got your shot spot-on. I, on the other hand, would have missed it and gotten drenched.

  5. What a lovely photo. Every element in the composition is perfectly placed, from the road that veers to the left to the cloud bank amassing to the right to the pond just off-center, flanked by the four sentinels in the foreground.

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